
Home / News / Company news / Sinton Group Holds the "Vitality Spring Running and Health Walking Together" 38th Festival Theme Event, Building a Healthy Corporate Culture Together
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Sinton Group Holds the "Vitality Spring Running and Health Walking Together" 38th Festival Theme Event, Building a Healthy Corporate Culture Together

On the morning of March 8th, Sinton Group successfully held a celebration of Women's Day with the theme of "Vigorous Spring Run, Healthy Walking Together" at the Chinese Begonia Garden in Yancheng. The purpose of this event is to promote a healthy lifestyle through sports, improve the physical fitness of employees, enhance team cohesion, and inject new vitality into the sustainable and healthy development of the company. This event not only attracted the enthusiastic participation of female employees, but also dozens of male employees actively joined in, jointly presenting gifts for Women's Day, showcasing the harmonious atmosphere and unity spirit within the company.

On the day of the event, the employees arrived early at the event site and orderly collected the number cloth. Everyone was dressed in sportswear, full of energy and fighting spirit, adding a unique scenery to the Chinese Begonia Garden in the morning light. At the beginning of the event, under the guidance of Sinton Yikang Sports Professional Coach, everyone conducted a thorough warm-up before running.

Under the command of the host, the running activity officially kicked off. Everyone is running with agile steps on the lush green track. The scenery along the way is picturesque and vibrant, bringing a dual feast of vision and soul to everyone.

This running event is conducted in the form of team combat, with a distance of 10 kilometers. In the competition, the employees demonstrated a tenacious spirit of hard work and a good competitive state. They encouraged each other and worked hand in hand to complete this challenging and enjoyable running feast together. In the end, the top three teams received generous prizes, and their outstanding performance won rounds of applause from the live audience.

▲First Prize Team

▲Second Prize Team

▲Third Prize Team

In order to ensure that participating employees can receive timely energy replenishment and recovery after the competition, the Human Resources and Administration Department of the group has carefully prepared supplies such as ginger tea, milk, bananas, bread, etc. After the competition, the employees came to the supply area one after another to enjoy these thoughtful supplies. Delicious food not only replenishes their energy, but also brings them a full sense of happiness.

Sinton Group has always attached great importance to the physical and mental health of its employees and actively advocates a healthy lifestyle. The successful hosting of this March 8th themed event not only allowed employees to feel the breath of spring during sports, but also conveyed positive energy of health, happiness, and progress within the team. In the future, Sinton Group will continue to hold more diverse forms of cultural and sports activities, building a platform for employees to showcase themselves and exercise their physical and mental abilities, and jointly contributing to the development of the company.

Author/Editor: Huang Jian

Shooting: Zhang Lu

Reviewed by: Chen Hui