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Employee Strong Foundation And Energy Enhancement Series Training Phase 2: Color Matching And Image Art, Adding Points To Employee'S Workplace Charm

On the afternoon of March 16th, Sinton Group held the second phase of the 2024 Employee Strong Foundation and Energy Enhancement Series Training, which focused on the theme of "Color Matching and Image Art". We are fortunate to have invited national level image art designer Xiao Ting as a lecturer. Teacher Xiao Ting deeply analyzed the close relationship between color, emotion, and atmosphere from the perspective of color psychology. She uses vivid cases and practical skills to guide counselors on how to use color matching to enhance their personal image, showcase confidence and professionalism, and enhance their competitiveness in the workplace according to different occasions and needs.

The atmosphere at the training site was lively, and the employees actively interacted, expressing great benefits. Not only did everyone learn professional knowledge about color matching and image management, but under the guidance of Teacher Xiao Ting, they also gained a new understanding and planning of their workplace image.

Sinton Group has always attached great importance to the personal growth and improvement of its employees. The successful holding of the second phase of the Qiangjiti Energy series training not only provides employees with a platform for learning and communication, but also injects new vitality into the construction of corporate culture and the optimization of the employee team.

Author/Editor: Huang Jian

Shooting: Zhang Lu

Reviewed by: Chen Hui