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A Comprehensive Curriculum System Helps Newcomers Set Sail - SINTON Holds First Quarter New Employee Training Class

In order to enable new employees to quickly integrate into the team, understand the company's corporate culture and required knowledge, Sinton Group recently held a two-day 2024 quarter new employee onboarding training course. Wang Fuhua, Chairman of Sinton Group, Chen Hui, Director of Human Resources and Administration of Sinton Group and General Manager of Yancheng Suyuan Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd., and other s attended the opening ceremony of the class.

At the opening ceremony, Chairman Wang Fuhua warmly welcomed the new employees on behalf of the company. He stated that the addition of new employees injected new vitality into the company, which is the future of the company and the driving force for its sustainable development. I hope everyone can cherish this training opportunity, study diligently, and continuously improve their abilities and qualities. Meanwhile, Chairman Wang Fuhua also puts forward the following requirements to everyone:

Positive, willing, team strength, and positive energy.When facing difficulties, attitude determines everything. I hope new employees can always maintain a positive attitude and bravely face every challenge in the future; Being willing is both wisdom and courage. I hope new employees can learn to be willing and view their career development with a long-term perspective; The power of an individual is limited, but the power of a team is infinite. Only by closely uniting can we jointly tackle various challenges and achieve a win-win situation for both individuals and teams; A team full of positive energy can stimulate everyone's potential, making the team more cohesive and combat effective. Therefore, we hope that everyone can actively transmit positive energy, infect everyone around us with their positive actions, and jointly create a positive and upward working atmosphere.Development is the hard truth.This sentence is not only a slogan, but also a guide to action. We must always maintain a sense of development, constantly seek opportunities, respond to challenges, and achieve our own sustainable development. At the same time, we also need to recognize that development is a complex process that requires comprehensive consideration of various factors. We need to maintain a calm mind, rationally analyze market changes and development trends, and formulate development strategies that are in line with our actual situation. I believe that as long as we persistently pursue development and continuously improve our own strength and abilities, we will definitely be able to stand out in fierce competition and achieve more brilliant achievements.Achieve the greatness of others.Achieving others not only earns respect and gratitude from others, but also allows one to experience a sense of inner satisfaction and achievement. At the same time, achieving others is also achieving oneself. In the process of helping others grow, we can not only learn new knowledge and skills, but also exercise our ship and teamwork abilities. This is a win-win choice and also a sustainable development path.

This training course has carefully designed a series of practical and theoretical courses. On the day, with corporate culture as the core, it guides new employees to deeply understand the company's development process, mission vision, cultural connotations, and employee growth channels, thereby achieving resonance and forming a unified corporate spirit core. This course is taught by Chen Hui, the Group's Director of Human Resources and Administration. With her gentle and infectious teaching style, Chen has allowed new employees to experience the unique charm of corporate culture. Everyone expressed that they will actively practice the company's culture and contribute their efforts to the development of the company.

Training on financial fundamentals is also a major gain for new employees. This course is taught by Yang Lijuan, the manager of the finance department of the group. Through learning basic concepts of finance and tax knowledge, new employees have gained a clearer understanding of financial work, which is of great significance for everyone to improve work efficiency and enhance risk awareness in their future work.

The product knowledge training session on the second day gave new employees a comprehensive understanding of the company's flagship products. In this segment, Zhu Yingchun, the General Manager of Xingtai Heating Company, and Wang Xiaodan, the General Manager of Xingtai Energy Company, were invited to introduce their main products to everyone. By explaining the characteristics, advantages, and application scenarios of the products, everyone developed a strong interest in the company's products and expressed their efforts to master product knowledge and provide better services to customers. At the training site, Zhang Qiaolan and Chen Feng, senior colleagues from the sales department of Thermal Power Company, also shared their sales insights with everyone. This experience transfer not only helps new employees in the sales department to master sales skills, but also enables new employees in other positions to have a more hand understanding of the hardships and difficulties of sales work.

The business etiquette course taught by Chen Feng, the sales manager of the thermal company, not only made significant progress in the speech and behavior of new employees, but also provided effective guidance and assistance in meeting etiquette and other aspects.

In addition, the company also organized new employees to visit the group headquarters and production base. Through on-site visits, new employees have gained a more intuitive understanding of the company's operating model and production processes, and are full of confidence in the overall strength and development prospects of the company.

Finally, the graduation exam marked a successful conclusion to the two-day training for new employees. Through the exam, new employees not only tested their learning achievements, but also laid a solid foundation for their development in the company.

The new employee onboarding training course, as an important part of the group's goal of building a learning organization and building a high-performance team, has far-reaching significance for its success. Through training, new employees quickly integrated into the company's family and became a new force in the company's development. Their joining and growth will inject new vitality and momentum into the company's business development. The company will also continue to strengthen the onboarding training for new employees, providing strong talent support for the long-term development of the company.

Author/Editor: Huang Jian

Shooting: Zhang Lu

Reviewed by: Chen Hui