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Building A Learning Organization And Building A High Performance Team - Sinton Group Launches The 2024 Employee Strong Foundation And Energy Enhancement Series Training

In the rapidly changing business environment, continuous learning and improving the personal abilities of employees have become important driving forces for the sustainable development of enterprises. In response to the requirements of this era, Xingtai Group officially launched the phase of the 2024 Employee Strong Foundation and Energy Enhancement Series Training on February 24th, aiming to build a high-performance team through systematic training and learning, and further promote the transformation into a learning organization.

The group attaches great importance to this training activity. At the opening ceremony of the training class, Wang Fuhua, Chairman of Xingtai Group, delivered an important speech. The chairman emphasized that in the current rapidly changing market environment, we are facing challenges and opportunities. In order to continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the company and achieve sustainable development, we must continuously strengthen the construction of the employee team, improve the comprehensive quality and professional skills of employees. The holding of this Strong Foundation and Energy Enhancement Series Training Class is an important measure for us to actively respond to market changes and promote the development of the company. Here, we hope that the trainees can achieve the following:One is to cherish learning opportunities and actively participate in training.All students should make full use of this learning opportunity and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the training. Not only should we listen attentively and take good notes, but we should also actively think and communicate, transforming the knowledge we have learned into the ability to solve practical problems.The second is to focus on practical application and continuously improve abilities.Learning is for better practice, and we should closely integrate the knowledge we have learned with practical work, continuously improve our professional level and comprehensive quality. At the same time, we should dare to innovate and practice, constantly explore new work methods and ideas, and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of the company.The third is to strengthen unity and cooperation, and form a joint force.The power of a team is infinite. We need to strengthen communication and exchange in training, enhance mutual understanding and trust, and form a good atmosphere of unity, cooperation, and common development. Only in this way can we better respond to market challenges and achieve the company's strategic goals.

In order to liven up the training atmosphere and enhance interaction and communication among employees, the host specially planned a relaxed and interesting interactive game at the opening ceremony of the training class, allowing trainees to embark on a learning journey with laughter and joy.

In the training class, the group invited internal trainer Chen Feng as the keynote speaker, bringing wonderful marketing team building courses to the participating employees. As a sales manager, Chen Feng has rich marketing experience and profound team management skills. He provided detailed analysis of the core elements and key steps of marketing team building for the trainees through vivid cases and simple explanations. In the course, Teacher Chen not only shared how to build an efficient and creative marketing team, but also conducted in-depth discussions on communication skills, business etiquette, and other aspects.

The participating employees listened attentively and expressed great benefits. Through this training, everyone not only deepened their understanding of marketing team building, but also learned many practical methods and skills. They will apply this knowledge and experience to practical work and contribute their efforts to the development of the company.

In addition, in order to establish and cultivate a team of lecturers to promote the continuous development of the group's training industry, and to promote the standardization and systematization of the group's training system, the group has introduced the "Gold Medal Lecturer" selection method. After each training activity, the participating employees evaluate the effectiveness of the instructor's training through a questionnaire. The introduction of this selection method not only provides a platform for lecturers to showcase their talents, but also injects new impetus into the training industry of the group. By selecting outstanding "gold medal instructors", the group will further stimulate the teaching enthusiasm and innovative spirit of the instructors, and promote the development of the training system to a higher level.

In the future, the group will continue to deepen the construction of a learning organization, continuously improve the training system and learning mechanism, and create more learning and development opportunities for employees. At the same time, the group will actively explore and practice new learning methods and means to adapt to the constantly changing market environment and business needs, and promote continuous innovation and development of the enterprise. Let's look forward to Xingtai Group achieving even more brilliant achievements in building high-performance teams and learning organizations together!

Author/Editor: Huang Jian

Shooting: Zhou Jianxin and Zhang Lu

Reviewed by: Chen Hui